PhD students are required to take/audit/self-study these courses, or equivalence,
within the 1st year:
Real analysis (UG level)
Convex optimization
Wireless communications (UG or PG level)
winthin 2 years:
Advanced probability theory (PG level)
Statistical signal processing
PhD students are required to study these books, or equivalence, within the 1st year:
Math: Pick one of the following books. Study every proof and learn how to write clear and rigorous mathematical proofs.
Sheldon Axler, “Measure, integration & real analysis”, Springer: Chapter 1–4.
H. L. Royden and P. M. Fitzpatrick, “Real Analysis”, Pearson Education, Inc. 4th edition, 2010. (Part I): Chapter 1–4, and 6.
J. J. Duistermaat, J. A C. Kolk, “Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation”: eqivalent chapters
Steven Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe, “Convex optimization”, 2004.
and within 2 years:
Signal processing:
Steven M. Kay, “Fundamentals of Statistical Signa Processing: Estimation Theory”